The first electronic revolution didn´t happen when Kraftwerk emerged, it happened earlier when every guitarist around the globe was able to switch from acoustic to electric guitar. The sound became rougher, distortion was born and soon “Wah Wah” and other effects were added and the guitar became the leading instrument in rock. It took a good few years before electronic instruments became affordable and “the cheap option” always was CASIO™. There quality surely wasn’t as good as Roland™s or Korg™s but it did the job. I remember purchasing the Casio SK-I sampling keyboard in 1987 and all you could record was half a sentence in a dreadful quality BUT you could the take this partial sentence or sound or whatever and you could play in in different keys and octaves and sometimes the sounds became so weird that in the end it became an art form to sample effects and squeeze them into a song. After all bands like Depeche Mode were basically making a truckload od money from using sample sounds in their music. Later I bought a Casio DG – 20 a guitar without strings and via MIDI, which revolutionised the whole musicworld in 1982 by enabling instruments to communicate with each other and to start and stop in a synchronised manner, there didn’t seem to be any boundaries to creativity. The problem was always to record it properly and get rid of the sometimes horrible hiss that came along with the cheap in-build microphones. The fact remains that only a song that had a great melody to it became timeless and a classic and Depeche Mode often perform an acoustic version of an otherwise electronic song during their shows and it works because the songs have a memorable melody to it.
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